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Ever since I was a child, i loved to draw. There was something that fueled me and my passion to draw. drawings brings out the emotions i have inside on paper and helps me express it. I mainly focus on works that have symbolic meaning, mostly something dark or depressing depending on what I’m trying to show in my works. what I’m trying to express in my art work isn’t always something dark and ugly, but I try to express the feelings i get through it, similar to Pablo Picasso’s Blue period paintings. The symbols, from curtain works that artist have done influences me in a lot of wars. My art work has changed over the years from simplistic to naturalistic. My primary medium is pastel chalk. Recently, I have found an interest in 3D art and Digital imaging. I’m willing to work with anything thrown at me case in point,  a recent project working with found objects. I am open minded in working with any medium and any theme I am given.

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